Tierney Gunthorpe

Registered Physiotherapist

Masters in Clinical Physiotherapy, Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy

Services: Physiotherapy


Tierney is a Registered Physiotherapist who believes the root cause of many health challenges is sleep. Tierney believed that her own sleep would improve after her kids stopped waking up at night, however, then learned she had a sleep disorder.

With her background in physiotherapy, she chose to dive into the research and then developed extensive programs to heal herself. Tierney sought additional training in: The Bradcliff Method, Buteyko, Right Sleep and Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy. Tierney now helps people from all over the world identify their sleep disorders and works with them to resolve them.



Pain limits movement and function, and often impacts an individual’s ability to get to sleep, sleep through the night, or get good quality rest. Good rest is essential to assist in managing painful conditions and aid in recovery.

There can be many physical reasons one cannot get good quality sleep – physical pain, recovering from an injury or surgery, poor breathing habits, compromised airway, poor sleep hygiene, medical conditions, sleep apnea, snoring, and even medications.

Tierney’s sessions are designed for those that struggle with sleep – getting to sleep, staying asleep and getting good quality sleep, especially when there’s an influence from the musculoskeletal system (posture, breathing, physical tension, pain, etc).

Tierney obtained additional training in: The Bradcliff Method, Buteyko, Right Sleep and Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy.

Favourite Movement

Trail hiking

Favourite Quote

Sleep is the golden chain that ties health and our bodies together.” 
– Thomas Dekker